Corso Elvezia 13 - 6900 - Lugano Tel +41 782115221 Continued : MON-FRI 9 A.M.-6.30 P.M. + SAT 9 A.M.-3 P.M.
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Effettuiamo riparazioni anche per Rogphone, Alcatel, Doogee, CAT, Sony , Honor, One Plus, TCL, Realme, Nothing, Htc, Wiko, LG, Motorola, ZTE, Blackview.
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Spedizione gratuita nei seguenti Paesi: Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antartide, Antigua e Barbuda, Antille Olandesi, Armenia, Emirati Arabi Uniti , Algeria, Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaigian, Bahamas, Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgio, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bielorussia, Bolivia, Bosnia Erzegovina, Botswana, Brasile, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambogia, Camerun, Canada, Capo Verde, Ciad, Cile, Cina, Cipro, Colombia, Comore, Congo, Corea del Nord, Corea del Sud, Costa d’Avorio, Costa Rica, Croazia, Cuba, Danimarca, Dominica, Ecuador, Egitto, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Etiopia, Federazione Russa, Figi, Filippine, Finlandia, Francia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich del Sud, Germania, Ghana, Giamaica, Giappone, Gibilterra, Gibuti, Giordania, Grecia, Grenada, Groenlandia, Guadalupa, Guam, Guatemala, Guiana Francese, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea Equatoriale, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Irlanda, Islanda, Isola Bouvet, Isola di Christmas, Isola Norfolk, Isole Cayman, Isole Cocos, Isole Cook, Isole Falkland, Isole Faroe, Isole Heard ed Isole McDonald, Isole Marianne Settentrionali, Isole Marshall, Isole Minori lontane dagli Stati Uniti, Isole Solomon, Isole Turks e Caicos, Isole Vergini Americane, Isole Vergini Britanniche, Israele, Italia, Kazakistan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lettonia, Libano, Liberia, Libia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldive, Malesia, Mali, Malta, Marocco, Martinica, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Messico, Micronesia, Moldavia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mozambico, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norvegia, Nuova Caledonia, Nuova Zelanda, Oman, Paesi Bassi, Pakistan, Palau, Palestina, Panama, Papua Nuova Guinea, Paraguay, Perù, Pitcairn, Polinesia Francese, Polonia, Portogallo, Portorico, Qatar, Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Hong Kong della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Macao della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Repubblica Centrafricana, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Repubblica di Macedonia, Repubblica Dominicana, Réunion, Romania, Ruanda, Sahara Occidentale, Saint Kitts e Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre e Miquelon, Saint Vincent e Grenadines, Samoa, Samoa Americane, San Bartolomeo, San Marino, Sant’Elena, Sao Tomé e Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia e Montenegro, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Siria, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spagna, Sri Lanka, Stati Uniti, Sudafrica, Sudan, Suriname, Svalbard e Jan Mayen, Svezia, Svizzera, Swaziland, Tagikistan, Tailandia, Taiwan, Tanzania, Territori australi francesi, Territorio Britannico dell’Oceano Indiano, Timor Est, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad e Tobago, Tunisia, Turchia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Ucraina, Uganda, Ungheria, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vaticano, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis e Futuna, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Mostra di più Mostra meno
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Cover Tpu
In our shop in Lugano we have various covers for your mobile phone: come and visit us
Motherboard repairs
We carry out repairs on the motherboard with ample chance of success
Display replacement
At our office you can quickly replace the display of your device
At Doctor Phone you will find all the essential accessories for the car, home and leisure time
Each of us has strengths. We have perfected ours to allow us to focus on your mobile. Contact us, we will find out together what we can do for you.
My motivation - My work is my strength, the reason why every morning I open my eyes and can't wait to start doing what I love, is what drives me to get more and more from each new challenge .
My values - For me it's not just about work. Every time I venture into a new project, I make sure that it reflects my personal values: only in this way can I guarantee the maximum.
My Story - Everyone has a passion and this is mine. Since I was 13 I have decided to cultivate it and have never stopped learning ever since.
Our Apple equal to the original service provides repairs for various devices in the highest quality.
from iPhone 5 a iPhone 12 Pro - CHF 169.-
Dropping the device into the water causes disaster for your smartphone, laptop or tablet. Please minimize damage to the devices after accidental immersion and prevent future water damage or bring your own device for a thorough chemical wash at a cost of CHF 59 .-, non-refundable and 8 hours.
Turn off the phone immediately and do not turn it on, not even to "check". As you probably know, water and electricity don't combine well. Wetting any electrical device can cause a short circuit. Phones immersed in water are often wet inside for a period of up to 48 hours, so it is better not to turn it back on. If you do this, it decreases the chances of your phone surviving. All liquids contain some minerals and these minerals corrode the circuit of the phone, so it would be good not to wait a few days for the rust to corrode your phone and decrease the chances that it will work again. If we receive the phone while it is still wet, within a few hours of being exposed to the liquid, the chances of getting the phone to work are excellent. The longer you wait, the less chance the phone will hold up. Corrosion often begins immediately, especially with waters that are very rich in minerals such as the ocean, lakes, rivers or swimming pools (and spas). Smartphones have a lot of plastic inside, even at low heat the plastic can melt and you may have to replace more parts than you would have had to replace if you hadn't put it in the oven. Do not use a hairdryer. This can force the water into splits and cracks in the printed circuit and this does not help. What to do next if water damage occurs then? Switch off and bring the phone to our service point. What can you do if you are camping or cannot reach us for a few days? Sounds crazy, but if the device has been completely submerged it is better to soak it in isopropyl alcohol for 10 ~ 20 seconds than put it in rice. If it wasn't completely submerged, then we wouldn't recommend soaking it in isopropyl alcohol, as any immersion in liquid can damage the LCD.
As soon as we receive the device, we disassemble it completely and remove all removable parts. The printed circuit board and all parts with metal connectors and contact points go through a cleaning process. Sometimes only one step is required, sometimes up to three steps depending on how severe the damage is. This process prevents the onset of corrosion and removes any corrosion residues that may have already begun to damage the device. We cannot solve the problems that the device may have until we take this first step, because if there is corrosion, this may be the cause of the problem that is occurring. After the phone has dried from the cleaning process we reassemble it and proceed with tests and diagnostics to see if the device works again.
The cost of and CHF 59.- for the disassembly work and the various cleaning phases, if the operation is not successful you will lose the money of the repair attempt.
The service of elimination of water and corrosion by ultrasound is at least 8 hours. Often the service requires the device to remain in our laboratory overnight. The possible outcomes are:
1. The phone works and has no problems. Cleaning the corrosion was the only thing that had to be done and no other spare parts are needed.
2. The device needs additional parts to function, such as the screen, battery or charging port. Each case is different and unfortunately we cannot give you an exact estimate of the final cost for the service of the phone damaged by water because we will not know if the additional parts will have to be replaced until we do the cleaning and then we will do the diagnostics. If the additional parts need to be replaced, this would have an additional cost and we will contact you to approve these costs and to give you advice on the best possible solution.
3. The phone does not work after cleaning. There is always the possibility of this happening. Something may have shorted in the phone while there is water inside or if you have been waiting for the phone to be delivered to us, corrosion may have caused permanent damage that cannot be repaired, i.e. corrosion eats away and destroys components. circuit board that cannot be replaced.
We have repaired over 10,000 devices since 2010. Our team of experienced, professional and friendly technicians will get you in and out of the door in about 15 minutes for most repairs. Without the need for an appointment.
Siamo lieti di informare i nostri clienti che, presso la nostra sede, è
possibile portare gratuitamente batterie al litio o alcaline esauste per un corretto smaltimento. In qualità di azienda regolamentata e registrata presso il sistema VEVA e INOBAT per la gestione
e lo smaltimento di rifiuti pericolosi, ci occupiamo del trattamento sicuro e conforme alle normative vigenti, nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente.
2015-2024 - #with passion #Lvgano
Diventi patner di Doctor Phone® stabilendo una convenzione aziendale, con fattura. Il nostro personale, esperto in riparazioni express e consulenza, può garantirgli la miglior qualità, velocità e prezzo. I dispositivi dei suoi collaboratori verranno riparati con uno sconto del 10%. La convenzione è valida per tutte le riparazioni multi brand per smartphone, tablet e computer, oltre al servizio di consulenza tecnica software o hardware. Le riparazione di sola manodopera avranno un prezzo di soli 29 Fr e verranno eseguite in pochi minuti. E’ possibile un ritiro e riconsegna dei dispositivi tramite delivery in giornata, garantendo il proseguimento del lavoro. Anche per privati. Forniamo inoltre abbonamenti mobile per aziende, con tariffe esclusive e sconti sui nostri servizi. La nostra forza è la velocità, per questo ogni convenzione è pre impostata in ugual modo per ogni azienda e viene elaborata in giornata, cosi da ottimizzare i tempi. Non esitate a contattarci.
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